
Customer Service

20/20 Tax Resolution’s mission is to provide businesses and individuals across the country with an industry leading, honest and compassionate resolution to their back tax liabilities. We support this mission with a proud culture of adherence to the highest ethical conduct in all business dealings, treatment of employees and interactions with all taxing authorities. We have been a force in the industry, fighting for our clients since 1998.

Here at 20/20, we are committed to finding solutions to tax problems. Customer satisfaction is an important part of our process. Yet we recognize that our clients’ situations are usually coupled by stress and frustration. Our customer service initiative exists to ensure that our clients questions and concerns are answered.

Link to FAQs

Commonly Asked Questions

Why was I contacted about a tax issue that I am unaware of?

In many cases 20/20 relies on public information provided by third-parties. This data consists of public records recorded by county recorders or secretaries of state. Both can be contacted directly to verify what is on file for a particular taxpayer. In rare instances, information provided by the third parties is inaccurate. If you feel 20/20 has contacted you in error please let us know and we will place you on our Do Not Call List.

Is there a way to be put on your Do Not Call list?

Yes, 20/20 is committed to honoring all requests to be placed on our Do Not Call list. If you have received a call and wish to have your information taken off of our list, please reach out to our office through email customerservice@2020taxresolution.com or phone at 800.240.1048 with your request and the phone number that we called.

What do we ask of our customers?

Having done this work since 1998 we know that cooperation, collaboration and communication are vital to successful outcomes. 20/20 asks that its clients respond to inquiries and requests for information timely, provide accurate and complete information and comply with ongoing and future tax requirements, such as filing and paying timely.

What should our clients expect?

Our clients should expect a credentialed case representative backing their interests. Clients should expect open lines of communication, attentiveness to the most important issues and advocacy. We do our best to ensure a simple yet concise definition of our projects. All of our clients are provided an engagement that clearly defines the scope of our work in each case.

Do you have a refund policy?

We value your business and hope that this is never the case. However, if our partnership is simply not the best fit for your situation, refunds are accepted if requested within 30 days of the signed Agreement for Tax Resolution Services and considered anytime thereafter. Requests should be submitted directly to your representative or through customer service at customerservice@2020taxresolution.com

Whom do I see about questions or concerns with my case?

The 20/20 Team assigned to handle your case is the most direct and knowledgeable point of contact. A manager (as well as a member of the customer service department) can be made available upon request to address any questions and concerns.

What is POA+?

POA+ Monitoring Service is a post-resolution service that maintains Power of Attorney or tax information authorization, provides tax resolution consultation and, where possible, proactively monitors your tax account with the taxing authorities. The purpose is to remain available for consultation and be alerted of potential actions or notices from the taxing authority. It is an entirely elective subscription service. Whether you decide to enroll or not will have no effect on completion of any of the resolution services being provided by 20/20 under separate agreement.

Will I ever pay more than what’s in my Agreement for Tax Resolution Services?

It’s possible. We welcome the opportunity to take on work not specified in our original agreement. That is one example of how new work can increase our scope and require a new fee. There is also the issue of collaboration and cooperation. Without it, situations can arise that create the need for additional work, such as the need to file an appeal for protective measures.

Why am I still getting mail from the taxing authorities after hiring 20/20?

After your case representative files Power of Attorney you should expect all contact and coordination of the resolution to go through that person. Unfortunately, filing a Power of Attorney does not end the taxing authorities requirement to keep taxpayers on notice. 20/20 should be getting the same correspondence. You should always open your mail from the taxing authorities and as a part of the plan to collaborate, be sure that 20/20 got the same notice. However, leave the contact with the authorities to us.

Can I find out more exactly what I owe before I hire 20/20?

Our Tax Facts program allows us to obtain and accurately interpret your liability with the taxing authorities so you can make the most informed decision about how to approach a resolution. For a modest fee which can often be applied in part to your engagement, 20/20 can devote the resources necessary to conducting preliminary case research. For more information on how to obtain a Tax Facts Report please email taxreport@2020taxresolution.com.

Will 20/20 share my company information?

20/20 often refers its clients to an ancillary business service such as a payroll provider, bookkeeper, tax return preparer or lender. Although we may receive a fee for referrals, 20/20 does not market or sell its customer list nor do we share any sensitive information without your permission. Rather, we make such referrals at the request of our clients or because the service can assist in 20/20’s work in obtaining a successful resolution on your behalf. You may opt out of being a referral by writing your 20/20 representative.

We look forward to serving you.

Still have questions or concerns? Let us know!
Email customerservice@2020taxresolution.com between the hours of 8-4 pm MT, Monday through Friday.
A representative will be in touch.